Experience Matters
When choosing an attorney, it is crucial to choose a law firm that knows what they’re doing. At minimum, the law firm you choose should have experience and knowledge in the “area of law” relevant to your issues. Even better – the law firm you choose should have experience in other areas of law that may overlap and/or impact your claims. The attorneys at Onello Law Group have substantial experience in family law, probate, estate planning, personal injury, record sealing, criminal defense, and other practice areas. Expansive knowledge is the key to choosing the right attorney.

Family Law
Onello Law Group specializes in all areas of Family Law, which is a general term that encapsulates many subcategories, each of which carries its own nuances and procedural requirements. Our family law experience includes both contested and uncontested representation, both in district court proceedings and appellate practice. We know our way around the family court.
Family Law matters also overlap with other practice areas. For example: married individuals in divorce proceedings often have wills or trusts and prefer a family law attorney that has experience with estate planning. Another example: soon-to-be-married couples have estate plans already in place and want to enter into a prenuptial agreement that might have an impact on their estate plans. Or – maybe an unmarried couple has a custody proceeding that may impact a minor child’s inheritance rights. The possibility for overlap is endless; in sum, you want an attorney that sees the bigger picture.
Child Support/Spousal Support (Alimony)
Domestic Partnerships
Restraining Order
Parental Abduction
Termination of Parental Rights
Prenuptial Agreements / Postmarital Agreements
Gestational Agreements
Visitation Rights
Personal Injury
There is nothing more frustrating than dealing with insurance companies, whether it is your own or another. Without a licensed attorney, you run the risk of delaying receipt of the money owed to you. Let us handle the insurance companies so that you can go back to life-as-usual. In cases where the injuries are extensive, let us lighten the burden so you can focus on healing.
The sooner you call us after the accident, the better we can serve you. As with all cases, we will be there every step of the way and keep you updated. Our firm knows how to handle the insurance companies and adjustors and we will get you the compensation that you are entitled to.
Personal injury consultations are provided at no charge by Onello Law Group. Call us at (702) 727-3344 and get an appointment today. Below is a list of some of our services; if you don’t think your issues falls into one of these categories, just call.

Car Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents
Truck Accidents
Dog Bite Injuries
Pedestrian Accidents
Bicycle Accidents
Uber & Lyft Accidents
Tour Bus Accidents
Uninsured & Underinsured Drivers
Drunk Driving Accidents
Slip & Fall Injuries
Other Injury Matters
Excessive Force

Losing a loved one is never easy; neither is losing a friend. In some circumstances, someone passes away that you haven’t talked to in years, or never even meant in the first place. In all circumstances, a Decedent’s estate should be administered to tie up loose ends. Contested or uncontested, our office can assist with probate-related matters, as well as trust administration. Below are some of the issues that our office provides services for: